Real-Time Security Quotes

Note: Before proceeding, please read the section on array formulas if you are unfamiliar with their usage.


Returns the current quote for a security ID from Bloomberg, Google or Yahoo!

=Quote(security_id, source, params, live_updating, frequency, show_headers)

' Returns the current price of WFC from Bloomberg, updated every 15 seconds
' All functions are effectively identical
=Quote("WFC", , , true)
=Quote("WFC", "b", , true, 15)
=BloombergQuote("WFC", , true, 15)
=LiveQuote("WFC", "b", , 15)

' Returns the current price, change and % change for WFC, including headers (static)
=Quote("WFC", "b", "px%", , , true)
=Quote("WFC", "b", QuoteParams(true, true, true), , , true)
  • security_id is the security ID from the quote service.
  • source is the name or abbreviation of the quote service ("b", "Bloomberg", "g", "Google", "y", "Yahoo", etc.). Defaults to "Bloomberg".
  • params is a list of which values to return. Accepts any combination of "px%dtbahlv" (price, change, % change, date, time, bid, ask, high, low, volume). Bid/ask are not available through Google. Use =QuoteParams() for help if necessary. Defaults to price.
  • live_updating is whether you want this function to return continuously stream live quotes to the cell. Defaults to false.
  • frequency is the number of seconds between update requests (if live_updating is true). Defaults to 15 seconds.
  • show_headers is whether to display the headers for each column. Defaults to false.

FinAnSu in action


Builds a text string for use in =Quote() designating which values you would like returned.

=QuoteParams(price, change, pct_change, date, time, bid, ask, open, high, low, volume)

' Returns the appropriate text string for use in =Quote(), such that values for
' price, change and % change will be returned
=QuoteParams(true, true, true)
  • price is whether you wish to return the current price or value.
  • change is whether you wish to return the day's change.
  • pct_change is whether you wish to return the day's percentage change.
  • date is whether you wish to return the latest trade date.
  • time is whether you wish to return the latest trade time.
  • bid is whether you wish to return the current bid price.
  • ask is whether you wish to return the current ask price.
  • open is whether you wish to return the day's opening price.
  • high is whether you wish to return the day's high price.
  • low is whether you wish to return the day's low price.
  • volume is whether you wish to return the day's closing price.


Same as Quote with the live_updating argument equal to true.


Same as Quote with the source argument equal to "Bloomberg".


Same as Quote with the source argument equal to "Google".


Same as Quote with the source argument equal to "Yahoo".


Returns FinAnSu's interpretation of an abbreviated security ID. Mostly for debugging purposes.

=FullTicker(security_id, source, force_interpret)

' Returns "WFC"
=FullTicker("WFC", "b", false)
  • security_id is the security ID from the quote service.
  • source is the name or abbreviation of the quote service ("b", "Bloomberg", "g", "Google", "y", "Yahoo", etc.). Defaults to "Bloomberg".
  • force_interpret forces FinAnSu to guess at a suffix if none exists if force_interpret is set to true (may result in errors).


Returns FinAnSu's intepretation of an abbreviated source name. Mostly for debugging purposes.


' Returns "b"
  • source is the name or abbreviation of the quote service.
Input Output
(blank) "b"
"b" "b"
"bb" "b"
"bberg" "b"
"bloomberg" "b"
"g" "g"
"goog" "g"
"google" "g"
"y" "y"
"yhoo" "y"
"yahoo" "y"
"yahoo!" "y"

Quote History


Returns the historical date, open, high, low, close, volume and adjusted price for a security ID from the selected quotes provider.

=QuoteHistory(security_id, source, start_date, end_date, period, names, show_headers, date_order)

' Returns date, OHLC, volume and adjusted close for WFC from Yahoo! Finance for
' the past year

' Returns monthly date and adjusted close for WFC from Yahoo! Finance for the
' past year
=QuoteHistory("WFC", "y" , , , "m", "da", false, false)
=YahooHistory("WFC", , , "m", "da", false, false)

' Returns the date, close and volume for WFC from Google Finance for each day in
' 2010, in chronological order, with headers
=QuoteHistory("WFC", "g", DATE(2010, 1, 1), DATE(2010, 12, 31), "d", "dcv", true, true)
=GoogleHistory("WFC", DATE(2010, 1, 1), DATE(2010, 12, 31), "d", "dcv", true, true)
  • security_id is the security ID from the quote service.
  • source is the name or abbreviation of the quote service (g, Google, y, Yahoo, etc.). Defaults to Yahoo!.
  • start_date is the date from which to start retrieving history. Defaults to the most recent close.
  • end_date is the date at which to stop retrieving history. Defaults to one year ago.
  • period is a text flag representing whether you want daily ("d"), weekly ("w"), monthly ("m") or yearly ("y") quotes. Monthly and yearly quotes are available only through Yahoo!. Defaults to daily. Defaults to "d".
  • names is a list of which values to return. Accepts any combination of "dohlcva" (date, open, high, low, close, volume, adj price). Adj price is available only through Yahoo!. Use =QuoteHistoryParams() for help if necessary. Defaults to all.
  • show_headers is whether to display the headers for each column. Defaults to false.
  • date_order is whether to sort dates in ascending chronological order. Defaults to false.


Builds a text string for use in =QuoteHistory() designating which values you would like returned.

=QuoteHistoryParams(date, open, high, low, close, volume, adj_close)

' Returns the appropriate text string for use in =QuoteHistory(), such that
' values for date, close and volume will be returned
=QuoteHistoryParams(true, , , , true, true)
  • date is whether you wish to return the date.
  • open is whether you wish to return the day's opening price.
  • high is whether you wish to return the day's high price.
  • low is whether you wish to return the day's lowest price.
  • close is whether you wish to return the day's closing price.
  • volume is whether you wish to return the day's volume.
  • adj_close is whether you wish to return the day's closing price.


Same as QuoteHistory with the source argument equal to "yahoo".


Same as QuoteHistory with the source argument equal to "google". Note that Google does not contain easily accessible data for things like indexes (such as the S&P 500). If you require such information, I recommend using YahooHistory instead.


Returns information from the Fed's H.15 Statistical Release.

=H15History(instrument_id, frequency)

' Returns a list of dates and yields for Aaa corporate bonds
=H15History("AAA_NA", "m")
  • instrument_id is the instrument ID. Go to [and click on one of the data links. The ID is in the URL in the form H15_[id](]).txt.
  • frequency is business day ("b"), daily ("d"), weekly Wednesday ("ww"), weekly Thursday ("wt"), weekly Friday ("wf"), bi-weekly ("bw"), monthly ("m") or annual ("a"). Not all frequencies are available for all instruments. Defaults to business day ("b")."

Generic Web Importing

FinAnSu is not limited to security quotes or even finance. It allows you to import any data you consider relevant by simply exposing the function it uses to pull security quotes to the user. Although it's not as user-friendly, if you know the URL and how to use regular expressions*, you can use it for anything.

* Yes, I'm aware that regex is an ugly tool for the job. However, it's the easiest to maintain and provides some performance benefits over the HTML/XML parsers I considered.


Returns a horizontal array of values based on a URL and regular expression.

=Import(url, pattern, max_length, live_updating, frequency)

' Returns the title of the top story from
=Import("", "story_link[^>]+>(.*?)<", 1, false) 
  • url is the full URL of the target website.
  • pattern is a regular expression pattern where the first backreference (in parentheses) is the value you wish to retrieve.
  • max_length is the maximum length of the results array.
  • live_updating is whether you want this function to return continuously stream live quotes to the cell.
  • frequency is the number of seconds between update requests (if live_updating is true). Defaults to 15 seconds.


Same as Import with the live_updating argument equal to false.


Returns an array of values from a CSV.

=ImportCSV(url, start_line, reverse, formats)

' Returns a list of market sectors and security types
=ImportCSV("", 1, false, {"string", "string"})
  • url is the URL of the target CSV file.
  • start_line is the first line of the CSV to begin parsing (starting with 0).
  • reverse is whether to reverse the results."
  • formats is an array of formats: use "double", "string" or a date format.