
For loops

The below functions will all print the numbers 0 through 9. They start at i = 0, print i, increase i by 1, then check and make sure it's less than 10.


for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Note that you can only remove the braces {} above if it is followed by a single statement. In general, this makes code harder to read, fix and change, so I personally don't recommend it. While brace-less if statements are fairly common in languages like C, it's less generally accepted in JavaScript. For one example of an important JavaScript project that has disavowed brace-less blocks, see jQuery.


console.log(i) for i in [1..10]


10.times { |i| puts i }

Extending JavaScript

Two paragraphs into its description, CoffeeScript mentions JavaScript's "awkward braces and semicolons" and "gorgeous object model." These are both true. There's a certain ease of expression in the Ruby line above. You can extend JavaScript easily to have a times method on its numbers.


// Extend all numbers by adding a times method
Number.prototype.times = function(block) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) {
    block.call(this, i);

// Use the method
10..times(function(i) { console.log(i); });

It's nitpicky, sure, but many languages will abbreviate some of the above elements like prototype, function and the for loop, or will mercifully require fewer braces, parentheses or semicolons. Nonetheless, how the above works is quite nice:

  1. Open up the prototype, which is shared by all numbers.
  2. Create a new method call times, which you set equal to a function that:
    1. Will loop this times. this is equal to the number for which you call times. That is, 10.times will run 10 times, and 1.times will run once.
    2. Using the index of each loop, it will call the provided block.

So the extensibility is great but noisy. And even once you've added in the new functionality, like through a third party library, using these new methods remains ugly.


Number::times = (block) ->
  for i in [0...this]
    block.call this, i

10.times (i) -> console.log i

That's the same thing as the above written in a third as much code. More importantly, the focus is now on the important words; things like prototype and function have been turned into punctuation. Punctuation like (){}; has been phased out in favor of whitespace. As long as I keep functions and blocks focused on a single task, I find this easier to read.

And CoffeeScript really shines when you get into more complex loops. Great. Now we have a more terse, more readable version of the above.

While loops